Monday, May 11, 2015

May Style

Hey Everyone! It feels like forever since my last post! I'm so excited to say that Club Penguin has released this months new style! Also because this months style is very large I will post in two parts. Now, let me get get started:

First off there are four featured backgrounds for this month. These are for all players and are 60 coins each.

The first two outfits include: the Starlight (200), the Springtime Sass (300), the Shock Top (250), and the Pixelhopper Shirt (300).

The Huntress (250), the Mint Beach Dress (300)and the Gracefulthe Fiery Flair, and the Silver Sweep (200).

The Gretel (250), a Coral Beach Dress (300), and the Do-Re-Mi, the Wishful, and the Firecracker (200).

Presenting the Flame (200), the Lime Lyricist (300), the Riot (200), and the Rap Battler (300).

Puffle Tees in every puffle color for 250 a piece.

The Country Gal (250), a Green Slouch Purse (150), Golden Bangles (200), Bangles (50). The Redhead headphones (250), the Sunny Slide (300), Brown Flip Flops (150), and Grey B-Boy Sneakers (200).

The Bob 3000 (300), the Spike 3000 (300), a Puffle Wrangler Hat (200), a Galactic Space Suit (400), and a Puffle Wrangler Outfit (400).

Going into the circus is the Ring Master Hat (150), the Ring Master Outfit (350), Popcorn (50), Untied Sneakers (150). The Ringlets (250), a Beach Dress (350), Pink and White Sandals (200), a Caramel Apple Costume (350).

The Aquamarine (400), the Tropical Mermaid Costume (425), a Swashbuckler's Hat (430), High Seas Coat (400), High Seas Boots (300).

Treasure Maps (100), a Telescope (100), the Striped Pirate Bandanna (375), Swash Buckler's Coat (450), and Raggedy Rags (250). 

That's all for the first "half" of May's style. I'll post the other half tomorrow until then!


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