Friday, October 2, 2015

Exploring Club Penguin's History

Most of the rooms in Club Penguin features a past party or themed day. 

The Plaza is decorated like Summer Jam from 2013! There's even a Rookie Robot!

 "The 2013 Summer Jam was totally tubular! Or maybe circular? Either way, enjoy the sand and surf from the hot party!" -ROOKIE ROBOT

The Mine is featuring Pie Day from May this past year, with a Gary Robot!

 "This is where we celebrated Pi Day 2015. While math is exciting on it's own, we supplied pie to enhance the experience! What is your favorite pie? Apple, peach, or 3.14?" -GARY ROBOT

The Cove is featuring the Fruit Temple. Wow! That party is from 2012 it feels like it was maybe a year ago not 3!

 "The Temple of Fruit was all about feeding fruit to a hungry volcano. And the reward Smoothie Smash! You might not have noticed me at this party. I was testing my lemon costume." - ROBOT DOT

Next I visited the Snow Forts were the PH robot is celebrated the puffle party from 2009. I had just started Club Penguin when this party was on.

 "G'day mate! Can ya guess why this is a favorite room of mine? Right-o, it's all the puffles. They love a good snowball fight!" -ROBOT PH

The Stadium is featuring the Christmas party from Club Penguin's first year 2005.

 "It doesn't get any more vintage than this! The Christmas Party of 2005 was one of the first parties. It led the way for all our future fun! 

Penguin Fact: The Santa Hat made its first appearance here." - TOUR MACHINE 
I visited the Ski Hill and got to what the Sports Party from 2006 looked like.

 "Red Team or Blue Team? This was the choice during the Sports Party of 2006. What are you waiting for Grab a sled and goooooooo!

Penguin Fact: Sled Racing is one of the original Club Penguin mini-games!" TOUR MACHINE

I went down to the Lighthouse after Ski Hill and saw this:

" I feel a great calmness here. Originating from the 2009 Adventure party, this peaceful  place teems with life. Perhaps I should journey from the Dojo more often... such discovery is food for the spirit." -ROBOT SENSEI

I went down to the Dock and took a picture with Jescor and Kate Is Best. Thanks for doing the picture guys!

 "Welcome to Camp Penguin everyone! Enjoy a fish burger picnic at this lovely outdoor grill from the Camp Party of 2007!" -ROBOT AUNT ARCTIC

 That's all from me for now enjoy the celebration!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Happy 10th!

Happy 10th Birthday to Club Penguin!

"Visit the Coffee Shop at the heart of the party and explore our history in vintage decorated rooms. Take a look at the claendar-everyone gets a prize each day of the party!"  - Aunt Arctic (Party ends Oct. 21).

 Click on the 21 icon the the top right corner to view and collect all of the prizes.

 Now, head to the Coffee Shop for some cake!

 "I'm so pleased you made it to the celebration! This is party central for the anniversary. Go take a party so can always remember this moment." - Aunt Arctic

Ooh cake! Don't forget to grab a party hat and check out the year book!
