Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tiny Penguins!

Oh no! Herbert fixed his shrink -ray!

"MWAHAHAHA! The shrink ray is ready! You penguins will be too small to stop me!" -HERBERT

"Oh hey! I'm Tiny Rookie! Well, actually I'm Regular Rookie, but Herbert shrunk me down.

It's not so bad. When life hands you tiny lemons, make a tiny bit of lemonade, right?' -TINY ROOKIE

The entire Town has been shrunk! On the bright side members have 6 more prizes they can collect.

 Enjoy the party and have fun in the shrunken Town!


Thursday, February 11, 2016

February Party Started Today!

Howdy, howdy! Today marks the start of this month's party! Let's see what happened when we log for the first time during the party:

"MWAHAHAHA! My ultimate laser is ready!"

"First I will blast those puny Snow Forts. Then... EVERYTHING ELSE!" -HERBERT

But don't worry, here's what really happened.

" What exactly is Herbert doing? Gary thinks he meant to blast the island. ' It appears the laser was meant to zap us. But Herbert must have over-compensated the optical amplification by widening the output coupler. That is VERY humorous!' (says GARY) -"

This is what it turned into:

"Whoa, a laser dance party! This can't be what Herbert planned. I think he's more of a square dancer." - ROOKIE

And don't for get check out the prizes by clicking the icon in the top right corner.


February Igloos

Let's take a look at this month's spy themed igloo furniture;


and this month's igloos are past last month's furniture.

That's it for the this month's furniture and igloos! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Essential Items

Here I post the Essential Items for the clothes catalog. Check here for any Essential Item updates. (Note: Not all pictures are in order.)

 (Items above are for everyone! Items below are for members only.)


February's Style

If this came out last Thursday, my bad! I though it was coming out this Thursday... oops. 

Any-who, let's take a look at this month's style!

 Note: The Costume Trunk is not available at this date (2/9/16), currently the Theater is the Puffle Berry Mall.

The Penguin at Work for the month is: a coffee shop worker!

And the backgrounds are past the Essentials (found in Essential Items post).

Have a great week!


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bye-bye Space Puffles

Today's your last day to adopt an alien puffle before they blast back off to space!

You can even see the new power source we helped with!

See you later!