Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Adventure Booth

Ready for some new adventures?

"The adventure booth at the Beach is ready for visitors. I'm very intrigues by the mysteries and secrets I've heard of so far. There's a great deal to discover!" -AUNT ARCTIC

Hey, what's with the crab?

"Club Penguin Island is and adventurer's paradise. Explore Penglantian ruins and discover pirate treasure chests. You'll need a trusty jackhammer to dig up the hidden secrets!" 

Ruins, pirate treasure, hidden secrets? Sound cool!

Food Booth

What kind of yummy food does Club Penguin Island have to eat?

"The food booth is heating up at the Forest. There is no shortage of five-star cuisine on Club Penguin Island. Those squid sticks certainly look extravagant!" -AUNT ARCTIC

" Have a classic pizza and seaweed smoothie combo. Or try a delicacy like squid sticks or the world-renowned stinky cheese. I'll give you a minute to stand here drooling." 

Members you can collect squid stick samples here, to carry around Club Penguin.

I think I'll stick to pizza, put my puffles will like the stinky cheese!!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Friends Booth

What kind of friends can you on Club Penguin Island?

"The friends booth at the Plaza in on display. I've heard Club Penguin Island culture is joyous and accepting of all travelers. Just don't hog all the hot sauce." -AUNT ARCTIC

"Meet disco alligator, pirate aliens, or the knights of the trampoline table. Club Penguin Island welcomes everyone. Chat, make friends, and meet up with them instantly anywhere in the world!" -FRIENDS BOOTH, CLUB PENGUIN ISLAND

Pirate aliens? Disco alligators? Sounds crazy fun!

That's all I have for now! 

See you soon!😘

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Entertainment Booth

When you hear the word entertainment, what do you think of? On Club Penguin Island they think pinatas. 

"The entertainment booth has been unveiled at the Docks. Word is, the festivities on Club Penguin Island are an absolute blast. Literally!" -AUNT ARCTIC

"It's always time to party on Club Penguin Island. Smash colorful pinatas with friend or catch the coins from an exploding party blaster!" 

Members you can collect pinata costumes here!

See you around!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Fashion Booth

Wondering what kind of fashion they have at Club Penguin Island? 

Then head over to the Snow Forts to find out!

"The Snow Forts is hosting the Club Penguin Island fashion booth. Dot is excited to see the head-squid trend there as well." -AUNT ARCTIC

"In the  fashion-forward land of Club Penguin Island, you can customize everything@ Sleek pink business suit? You bet! Plaid bunny slipper? Create the next trend!" 

Creating your own unique style... that sounds fun! Oh, and don't forget penguins, you can collect a fashion designer background!

See you soon!

Friday, January 6, 2017

January Igloos and Furniture

Check out this month's featured furniture and igloos!

And there are some pretty cool items in the essentials category.

Pretty cool. And what about that ship igloo? That's brand new!

That's all for now, I'll see you soon.

Activities Booth

Want to see what there is to do at Club Penguin Island? Check out the activities booth in the Village.

"Explore the activities booth in the Village. Club Penguin Island citizens are ushering in a new era of bold and fearless fun!"  -AUNT ARCTIC

Is that a zipline? Cool!!!

"Bask in the Festive glow of Club Penguin Island! After a deep sea dive, take in a concert at Coconut Cove. Or hit the dance floor at Beacon Boardwalk." -ACTIVITIES BOOTH

How cool? And members can collect a new tube!

I want to ride that zipline! Catch you later!

Club Penguin Island Party

Club Penguin is a buzz waiting for news about the new Club Penguin Island!

"Aunt Arctic here. I need reporters to get the scoop on 'Club Penguin Island'. Report what you find at the info booths around the island.

Start at the booth in the Town. While you're there, find out what that jacket is all about." -AUNT ARCTIC

Click on the brochure in the top, right corner.

There are booths all around the island (our island, wow that will be confusing) with different information on their fashion, food, and other topics. 

Click 'Go There' on the welcome section to check out that jacket!

"Club Penguin Island is the place for adventure, friends, fashion, and stinky cheese. 
Penguins new and old work to make it a welcoming, wonderful community."

Members can click on the alumni jacket to collect it.

Want some more information on this new island? Check the newspaper.

"News of a far away land Club Penguin Island is coming fast. This marvelous discovery has everyone excited to learn more. 

Reporters are scrambling to gather info. Club Penguin Island booths are being unveiled as new information arrives. 
Rookie can't wait to hear about the foods from exotic land. He's wondering of they can make a bologna sandwich as good as his own.
Meanwhile, Dot has her sewing machine warming up as she awaits new on Club Penguin Island's fashion.
I'm curious about the rocket-powered ziplines I've seen pictures of.
That would be such a charming way to the Book Room. I'd have even more time of read!
New Year New Horizon (Club Penguin Times) -by Aunt Arctic

So cool! I can't wait to learn more about Club Penguin Island!


Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Year Style

Happy New Year!!!

It is now 2017! Which means new clothes, new igloos, new parties, and new adventures

I have to say this year's first style is pretty cool. One of the things I like about Club Penguin's style is that you can make it your own, mixing and matching different pieces.

This month's style has some great pieces, don't you think?

Even 'Essential Items' has some new pieces.

See you soon!
